Development Adventure Game "Si Bolang" as the Thematic Learning Media for Elementary School Students. This study aims to develop of interesting media learning based games and know the differences of motivation and learning achievements with the games media. This study employed of R & D method. Data collection instruments used were questionnaires and tests. The data were analyzed using inferensial statistic Mann-Whitney U-Test. The results show that (1) The development of an interesting game media is done by developing the design Bolang adventure game. (2) There is no significant difference in learning achievement with the media game and picture (3) There are significant differences in motivation with game and picture media (4) Media game mo...
A media is an intermediary or anything that is used for a process of transmitting messages or inform...
Educational games are very interesting to be developed. There are several advantages of educational ...
Pendidikan yang efektif adalah suatu pendidikan yang memungkinkan peserta didik untuk dapat belajar ...
Development Adventure Game "Si Bolang" as the Thematic Learning Media for Elementary School Students...
The success of teaching and learning activities is determined by one of the methods and media of lea...
This study aims to determine the effectiveness and attractiveness of using game application media to...
The development of technology has a lot of influence in the field of education, one of which is in t...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan dan efektivitas antara media pembelajar...
This research based on problems: 1. How does the game card media influence student motivation? 2. Ho...
This research aimed to produce an educational game and to describe the effectiveness of the produced...
This study aims to: (1) produce a digital game-based learning media in English listening practice, (...
Penelitian ini didasarkan atas hasil pengamatan dilapangan, dalam proses pembelajaran Dasar-Dasar ko...
An active learning is how to raise concerns, creative the motivation, students, and considered aidin...
Use appropriate media often affect the level of motivation and the level of student learning outcome...
Use appropriate media often affect the level of motivation and the level of student learning outcome...
A media is an intermediary or anything that is used for a process of transmitting messages or inform...
Educational games are very interesting to be developed. There are several advantages of educational ...
Pendidikan yang efektif adalah suatu pendidikan yang memungkinkan peserta didik untuk dapat belajar ...
Development Adventure Game "Si Bolang" as the Thematic Learning Media for Elementary School Students...
The success of teaching and learning activities is determined by one of the methods and media of lea...
This study aims to determine the effectiveness and attractiveness of using game application media to...
The development of technology has a lot of influence in the field of education, one of which is in t...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan dan efektivitas antara media pembelajar...
This research based on problems: 1. How does the game card media influence student motivation? 2. Ho...
This research aimed to produce an educational game and to describe the effectiveness of the produced...
This study aims to: (1) produce a digital game-based learning media in English listening practice, (...
Penelitian ini didasarkan atas hasil pengamatan dilapangan, dalam proses pembelajaran Dasar-Dasar ko...
An active learning is how to raise concerns, creative the motivation, students, and considered aidin...
Use appropriate media often affect the level of motivation and the level of student learning outcome...
Use appropriate media often affect the level of motivation and the level of student learning outcome...
A media is an intermediary or anything that is used for a process of transmitting messages or inform...
Educational games are very interesting to be developed. There are several advantages of educational ...
Pendidikan yang efektif adalah suatu pendidikan yang memungkinkan peserta didik untuk dapat belajar ...